NovaLUG - Introduction to Containers 13-Mar-2021 (09:16 AM) Peter Larsen: Testing (09:26 AM) Peter Larsen: To better view, be sure you pick the "Speaker View" in the lower left corner (09:36 AM) Robert Lay: That site showed "404 - Page Not Found" until I clicked the small hamburger menu to the right and selected "Learn" then I see courses available. Looks good. (09:38 AM) Jim: The url should be (09:42 AM) Thomas Nielsen: Found the speaker view 👍 (09:45 AM) Thomas Nielsen: the resolution is very low (unreadable?) (09:46 AM) kris: same here (09:46 AM) Thomas Nielsen: verizon is trying to save bandwith lol (09:47 AM) kris: I'd love to re-visit slides (09:47 AM) kris: currently those are really blurred for me (09:50 AM) John Kennedy: The slides will be posted on the NoVaLUG web site by next weekend. (09:50 AM) John Kennedy: Hopefully along with the recording of this presentation (09:51 AM) kris: thank you (09:53 AM) Charles Head: My picture is on top of Peter's picture. How do I turn my picture off? (09:55 AM) Thomas Nielsen: is there an image/container for android (mobile) (backend)(no gui) (09:55 AM) kris: it looks better when you open chat sidebar (09:55 AM) kris: while in full screen mode (09:55 AM) Thomas Nielsen: something lighter than the android emulator (09:58 AM) Thomas Nielsen: can you replace cmd with bash in Windows (09:58 AM) Jim: does podman have an equivalent to docker-compose (10:03 AM) Mark Fearer: uname (10:06 AM) Thomas Nielsen: look a lot cryptic lol (10:07 AM) Scott Burns: --rm removes the container, not the image, no? (10:09 AM) John Place: --rm deletes teh container when it ends... so you dont have to clean it up seperately (10:14 AM) Thomas Nielsen: anyone working in openshift here? (10:18 AM) John Kennedy: Thomas - I have not found an android container. Peter will be doing an intro to OpenShift next month. (10:19 AM) John Kennedy: Jim - At the moment there is no podman equivalent to docker-compose. I think that is in the road map (and honestly could currently exist) (10:20 AM) A. Dave: Podman now supports docker-compose: (10:20 AM) John Kennedy: Thanks, Dave. (10:20 AM) Hung Ngo: 👍 (10:25 AM) A. Dave: Podman's "pods" can be used to manage groups of containers. You specify how containers interact as part of a pod, then simply start and stop the pod thereafter. After I got used to pods I didn't miss docker-compose. (10:27 AM) Roger B: Are "snaps" containers? (10:29 AM) Thomas Nielsen: good question @Rodger (10:30 AM) Thomas Nielsen: and what are some other approaches to deal with app dependencies - besides vb/containers/snaps etc (10:30 AM) Thomas Nielsen: vm (10:30 AM) A. Dave: Snaps are used as packages for applications, however containers are used behind the scenes. (10:31 AM) Roger B: Thanks, Dave. I now see several of them using Xubuntu. (10:39 AM) Hung Ngo: @John Kennedy, is this recorded? (10:42 AM) Thomas Nielsen: is this another approach to snap? (10:46 AM) Roger B: For Peter: is there a quick way to maintain / update packages? To know when they need to be updated? / Must they be re-downloaded? (10:50 AM) Big Dan: very good presentation Peter! (10:54 AM) Mark Fearer: span hardware, i.e., multiple hosts? (10:54 AM) John Kennedy: @Hung Ngo - Yes, Peter is recording it. He will get the recording to me and I will put it on YouTube hopefully next weekend. (10:56 AM) John Kennedy: Roger - You would kill and restart the container. This only works if you use the "Latest" tag. Many people use version specific tags, though. (10:56 AM) Roger B: So, it updates itself! Kool. (10:57 AM) John Kennedy: Thomas - App Images are fully contained executables. All libraries are included in the image. They are not stand alone like a container is. (10:57 AM) Roger B: JK: Are yu captureing the chat or should I? (10:57 AM) Thomas Nielsen: podman is: alias podman=docker (10:57 AM) John Kennedy: If you could I would appreciate it, Roger (10:58 AM) John Kennedy: If you click the 3 dots to the right -> (10:58 AM) John Kennedy: it will let you download the chat (11:01 AM) Roger B: I will capture chat. (11:02 AM) Thomas Nielsen: ok I just realized that one advantage of containerization is a way to protect the host from harmful apps (11:03 AM) Thomas Nielsen: processes (11:03 AM) John Kennedy: Thomas, Yes. That is a big aspect of it. (11:09 AM) Mark Fearer: lol (11:13 AM) Thomas Nielsen: you can put ah on anything - and call it yours lol (11:14 AM) Mark Fearer: containers run on single host? (11:14 AM) Thomas Nielsen: don't put windows in a container (11:17 AM) Thomas Nielsen: the reason being windows in a container cannot join a AD domain as a identity inside the container (11:22 AM) Thomas Nielsen: this actually makes me want to work for IBM ... (11:25 AM) Mark Fearer: nice demo (11:25 AM) Hung Ngo: Thanks Peter (11:28 AM) Big Dan: you can find all of the parameters/environment variables in the Dockerfile this allows the container designer to specify exactly what they want passed in to the container and their application (11:29 AM) Big Dan: again, stellar presentation Peter! that was a lot of information (11:29 AM) A. Dave: Great job, Peter (11:29 AM) Scott Burns: Thanks for the presentation! (11:29 AM) Peter Larsen: (11:29 AM) jm: Thanks Peter! Awesome presentation!